Things You Can Do To Detoxify Your System from Weed
Detoxifying yourself from all the residues of THC and cannabinoids that got from smoking a pot is now doable and achievable. In most cases, employers nowadays tend to require their employees to undergo Toxicology Screenings. You do not need to fret about having that Toxicology Screening anymore. You can already come clean fresh through these simple methods.
Drink Helpful Juices
- Cranberry Juice
Studies show that consuming cranberry juice is a helpful way to cleanse your system at home. Through this, your body allows you to pee frequently. Thus, it leaves you with detoxified urine. It is best to consume Cranberry Juice in large sums to affect right away.
- Lemon Juice
People who frequently detox may have already known that drinking Lemon Juice is also an effective method to flush out all THC residues out of your body. It cleanses you out because of its natural acidic content. You may want to drink Lemon Juice 7-8 times a day for a much quicker detox process.
- Apple Cider
In some cases, apple cider is also effective for some people. Apple Cider contains several good bacterias that are beneficial for your cleansing, not only for THC’s but also for your overall immune function. Be sure to ingest not more than two teaspoons of Apple Cider a day because it can also bring about many complications once abused.
Go for a Water Therapy
The following juices above can be very potent and helpful for a faster detoxification process. Aside from that, you can also ingest many vitamins and minerals from it. If you are looking for a much more natural way to detoxify, water therapy works the same way. You can ensure to drink more water than the usual eight glasses a day for the next 48 hours.
According to several studies, all the things above are viable to detoxify your body from any drug and cannabinoids. You can search up more methods online if you think that drinking these juices may be below your needs. You can also check out LAWeekly on the link provided here. You can read their notions on how to detox body from weed for various Toxicology Screenings.